Karen Gordon & Garden City Jazz
Upcoming Shows
Garden City Jazz presents several programs annually in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), providing performance opportunities for area jazz musicians and music students, while promoting awareness of the historical and cultural significance of jazz music.
In 2003, while still a member of quietSTORM (smooth jazz band) Karen Gordon founded Garden City Jazz with the purpose of presenting jazz in non-traditional settings. Since then, Gordon has formed relationships with musicians, educators, festival coordinators, and organizations; all with the goal of supporting jazz in the CSRA.
Since 2004, GardenCityJazz has worked with the City of Augusta to present the Candlelight Jazz Concert Series - 18 low-cost concerts (showcasing different styles of jazz) in a family-friendly, smoke-free setting at beautiful Riverwalk Augusta. Prior to the collaboration, the event featured a single band.
GardenCityJazz has partnered with the Aiken Jazz Society since 2005 to present an annual festival. The format alternates between a classic jazz concert setting and jazz dinner/dance party in alternate years.
In 2010, GardenCityJazz launches several new projects, including an art exhibit, print division and community festival. New collaborations with the Columbia County Jazz Alliance and Juilliard in Aiken will yield exciting results.